The Alliance of Florida Land Trusts (ALFT) uses many tools to permanently protect Florida’s lands. Three main avenues include working with private landowners, collaborating with local partners, and planning for the future.


Work With Private Landowners

The Alliance of Florida Land Trusts works with private property owners who voluntarily want to protect their lands for future generations and potentially reduce their income tax, estate tax, and/or property tax. Landowners may be able to donate or sell a conservation easement, donate or sell the property, or do a bargain sale. To find out more, connect with a local AFLT land trust through this site, or click here to read more.


Collaborate With Local Partners

In addition to working together through the Alliance of Florida Land Trusts, AFLT member organizations also work locally to leverage funding, knowledge, and opportunity to ensure landscape scale protection of critical rural, working lands, and natural areas.


Plan For The Future

Florida is one of the most dynamic places in the United States. That’s why the AFLT uses the best data available for water quality, wildlife, and community needs to help guide decision making for where conservation projects are most needed. To learn about local, regional, and statewide efforts to protect Florida’s lands, connect with a local AFLT land trust through this site by clicking here.